Dog Communication 101 Training Program
Level 1 **Not a SD course
12 lessons
We teach you how to train a dog without commands and without treats by:
Showing you how dogs communicate with body language and sounds ;
Educating you about nutrition for optimal health and learning in dogs;
Help you master walking your dog nicely on and off leash without pulling on the lead
We help you properly socialize your dog to humans and other animals
All Dogs can learn to communicating politely without over excitement issues, aggressive issues or fearful issues before moving to level 2.
No certificate is given at this level.
Perception Modification Training Program
Level 2 **Not a SD course
24 Lessons
Includes Dog Communication 101. (12 lessons) plus
Exploring supervised separation
Training relaxation and calm as a skill set.
Managing your dog’s reactions on and off leash without commands, pulling, or treats
Problem solving using counter conditioning and Desensitization
Advancing socialization skills in public settings
Service Dog Training Program
Level 3
6 Weeks
*Must complete Level 1 and Level 2
Navigating travel requirements with your service dog
Review of Domestic and international laws
Training detection and intervening on early symptoms of anxiety and emotional distress
Training the dog to prevent and keep people from surprising you from behind
Dogs learn how to ground you and mitigate symptoms at home or in public
Training excellent impulse control under the highest of distractions
Aftercare Training Program
Level 4
4 Lessons
Required for Service dog’s that need to fly international or to Canada as of August (2024)
Prioritizes enhancing the physical health and performance of all dogs, working and service dogs included.
Master the use of perception training to solve problems that stem from an emotional response such as reactivity, separation anxiety, fear, aggression, phobia’s, hyper-arousal, and hyper-activity.
How do dogs communicate on and off leash politely?
Watch and count how many calming signals you see...
5 Surefire ways to create unnecessary stress in dog.
Make a big deal by asking your dog sit before rewarding.
Having conversations with your dog as if they are human.
Following your dog anywhere while they pull on the lead.
Giving treats that have no nutritional value when training.
Taking your dog out in public and pretending it is a service dog.
Be aware there are limitations to our services. We do not currently train the following:
Provide guide dogs for blind or visually impaired
Provide supervision for children (must be 13yrs up)
Support for single or multiple family members during hospitalization or inpatient treatment
Situations involving aggression or intense emotions
Emotional signaling- dogs do this naturally not service dog related
Tethering or tracking
Calming meltdowns or outbursts
Dementia support
Recognizing or providing supervision or protection from harmful situations
Any form of guarding or protection work. Service dogs CANNOT be trained in protection work.
We are not emergency advisory services. If a case is considered an emergency, we would encourage you to contact your local police department/ healthcare provider/ or veterinary provider.​​
We don't have facilities for a face to face consultation service. They are either in person or remote
We are not a consultation service as a replacement for your current healthcare/veterinarian provider. We suggest remaining under the care of your established healthcare/veterinarian provider.